Our pets are part of our family. We love them and want the best for them. With recent concerns about fillers, preservatives, and other unknown and dangerous additives in pet food, many owners are looking for a new way to ensure they are doing what is best for their pet.  

One of the best ways is nature’s way—a raw diet. A more natural diet that mirrors the way animals track and hunt prey in the wild and eat it, raw. Animals in the wild eat all of the animal they hunt: muscle meat, tendons, organs, and bones. They also eat vegetables and fruits, and they eat it all fresh, preserving the natural vitamins, proteins, minerals, and nutrients contained in it. No grains, corn, flour, and other fillers usually found in your standard pet food.  

Health Issues That Justify Switching To A Raw Diet

  1. Unhealthy Teeth & Gums– Biting and tearing of raw meat and bones promotes oral health. Teeth and gums benefit from the natural brushing and flossing from eating a raw diet. A starch-laden kibble or canned mushy pet food doesn’t offer the same abrasion and can even promote plaque and tartar.
  2. Bad Breath – An unhealthy diet of processed meat and fillers can result in bad breath for your pet due to unhealthy teeth and gums. With better overall oral health comes fresher breath.
  3. Digestion Issues – Your pet’s digestive system is designed to process the raw meat and organs of other animals along with fresh fruits and vegetables. When we replace those with fillers and artificial ingredients, we are disrupting their natural digestive process. The nutrients and vitamins that are easily digested from naturally-sourced raw diet just aren’t there.
  4. Many Large Poos – Commercial pet foods contain a lot of fillers which are difficult for a pet’s digestive system to break down, resulting in larger amounts of and more foul-smelling waste. Pets that eat a raw diet experience smaller poop with very little odor as their body uses most of the nutrients it eats. The waste also quickly crumbles to ash as it is biodegradable.
  5. Dull Coat – When your pet is eating a diet of fillers and processed foods, you can see it reflected in their fur. Once your pet has been on a raw food diet, you will notice their coat starts to feel cleaner and softer and look shinier. Another added benefit is they will even stink less.
  6. Excessive Shedding – A pet who isn’t getting the adequate amount of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in its diet will have a dull coat and shed more frequently.
  7. Weight Gain – Just like in humans, obesity in our pets is on the rise. And considering all of the unnecessary fillers in pet food, it’s not surprising pets raised on or switched to a raw diet rarely are overweight. This is because they are getting exactly what their body needs without any of the ‘extras’ that cause weight gain.
  8. Low Energy Levels – The more energy your pet gets from their food, the better they will feel. With a raw diet, your pet gets more of what they need to feel healthy.
  9. Behavior Challenges – Just like humans, when we don’t eat well, we generally don’t feel well—physically and mentally. A raw diet is a pure diet, without any additives or fillers. Your pet is getting what is naturally meant for them to eat. Oftentimes eating raw bones is actually helping them relax.
  10. Overall Poor Health – Many ailments are caused by poor nutrition including:
  1. Seasonal allergies
  2. Food allergies
  3. Digestive upset and colitis
  4. Cat hairball issues
  5. Idiopathic Vestibular Disease(IVD)
  6. Bladder crystals
  7. Skin and fur disorders

Are you ready to make the switch to raw? Call The Pet Beastro at (248) 548-3448 to schedule a Nutrition Consult with one of our Pet Nutrition Specialists and we will offer suggestions that are perfect for your pet’s breed, age, and basic health conditions.  

*By Dr. Jill Tack at The Pet Beastro. www.thepetbeastro.com