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The evaluation is one of the most important parts of your chiropractic visit as it involves gathering the history of the animal. The past experiences of an animal, including any physical traumas and/or emotional stressors, is helpful in determining how to handle treatment of the animal and what kind of care plan they may require. If applicable this will also incorporate prior x-rays or laboratory analysis and previous diagnoses and therapies. A thorough chiropractic evaluation includes an examination of the animal prior to an adjustment. This examination includes: posture and gait analysis as well as static and motion palpation

Frequently Asked Questions

Adjusting an animal is much different than adjusting a human due to the  difference in anatomy, thus the reason animals should only be adjusted by certified  animal chiropractors. Using our hands, chiropractors are able to localize joints of  decreased mobility and perform precise adjustment in order to restore normal range of motion. With the restoration of motion, nerves are immediately  able to increase their frequency of firing and improve nervous system function. The end goal is to improve communication between brain and body!

Adjustments take anywhere from 5-20 minutes depending on the client! Some pets are much more relaxed than others and can be adjusted easily, whereas others may take a little more time to get situated. Keep in mind we only ever adjust your animal in their comfort zone, that way they only ever walk away with good experiences.

After being adjusted an animal may experience some soreness due to removal of long-time fixations. This soreness should not last very long and within a day or two will dissipate. An adjustment itself should never hurt, though on occasion an animal that is currently experiencing severe pain may note slight discomfort momentarily.

Individualized recommendations will be given after each adjustment for your animal. More often than not the animal should take the remainder of the day off to rest, however, not all of our patients think the same way. Often times with older pets there is a noted increase in energy level, if this is the case feel free to have some extra fun with your animal!

  • They are either a Doctor of Chiropractic or a Veterinarian
  • They have successfully completed one of the 3 recognized animal chiropractic schools.  Those schools are Options for Animals, Healing Oasis, and Parker Chiropractic College
  • They are certified either by the AVCA (American Veterinary Chiropractic Association) or the IVCA (International Veterinary Chiropractic Association).  There is NO Board certification in animal Chiropractic.

What Advanced Animal Chiropractic Customers are Saying

We love all of our customers from Southeastern Michigan including St. Clair, Troy, Madison Heights, St. Clair Shores, Northville, Waterford, Shelby Township, Macomb, Grosse Pointe, Clarkston, Royal Oak, Davison, Ann Arbor, Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, Detroit, and more!

Animal Chiropractors serving all over Southeastern Michigan.