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We Offer Animal Chiropractic Services Near Southeastern Michigan

Serving pet parents near St. Clair, Troy, Madison Heights, St. Clair Shores, Northville, Waterford, and more!

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Why Animal Chiropractic?

Making a positive change in your animal’s life is absolutely possible when you choose Advanced Animal Chiropractic. AAC is the perfect complement to your animal’s regular veterinary care regimen. Dr. Christina Cole seeks to create the ideal environment necessary for natural healing. When your animal’s body is working like it should, it heals and functions more effectively on a daily basis, leading to an entirely new level of health. At Advanced Animal Chiropractic, our healthcare team will work hard to create a cozy and familiar experience and relationship, ensuring a better quality of life in your animal, and promoting wellness above all else.

Often times it’s asked why an animal would need chiropractic, or how will I know if my animal needs to be adjusted. The answer is simple, every animal should have his or her spine checked, but not every animal then needs to be adjusted.

Here are just some of the symptoms seen with animals that are problematic:


  • Unable or Difficulty in taking a lead
  • Bucking
  • Pinning Ears when being cinched
  • Negative change in attitude
  • Unable to collect
  • Reduced Performance
  • Difficulty engaging the hindquarters
  • Difficulty working “long and Low”
  • Difficulty flexing the poll
  • Shortened stride in one or more legs
  • Painful or sensitivity to touch


  • Difficulty climbing stairs or jumping
  • Difficulty getting up after lying down
  • Holding head down when walking
  • Negative change in attitude
  • “Puppy Sitting”
  • Seems painful when being petted
  • Holding their tail down or not wagging their tail
  • Performance issues such as knocking down jumps
  • Unwilling to climb dog walk


  • Difficulty jumping
  • Stops grooming their hind end
  • Cries when being petted
  • Negative change in attitude

If your animal is experiencing any of the above, it’s advisable that you consult your veterinarian about finding a chiropractor to evaluate your loved one. More often than not our animals do not develop symptoms until they are well past the initial stage of fixation. The nervous system acts as the super highway for messages getting sent to and from the brain to the rest of the body. Throughout their lives, animals will experience a variety of physical, mental, and chemical stressors to their systems. When this occurs, a common result is decreased motion at a joint, or a subluxation. Decreased motion will lead to decreased nerve function, muscle atrophy, and overactive inflammatory processes. All of this coming from one area of hypomobility! Chiropractic uses objective indicators to locate these subluxations and then utilizes a high velocity-low amplitude adjustment to reduce the fixation.

At the end of the day you’ll have a happier animal with better motion and improved quality of life! For more more information email us at, call 248-602-0807, or fill out the form here.

What Advanced Animal Chiropractic Customers are Saying

We love all of our customers from Southeastern Michigan including St. Clair, Troy, Madison Heights, St. Clair Shores, Northville, Waterford, Shelby Township, Macomb, Grosse Pointe, Clarkston, Royal Oak, Davison, Ann Arbor, Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, Detroit, and more!

Animal Chiropractors serving all over Southeastern Michigan.