We’ve got an action packed update for everyone today. Not one, but two, of our stunning malamutes are being featured this holiday week. Meet Bear and Bella, two alaskan malamute malute pups that are just under two years of age. These two have been seeing our mom for over one year now, and they have made tremendous progress. When Bear first started seeing our mom, he was going through a great deal of growing pains, something that isn’t hard to imagine when putting on one hundred pounds in several months. He would limp off and on and just didn’t seem very comfortable. His energy levels were down and he just wasn’t acting the way a puppy, regardless of size, should act. After nearly one year of consistent care, Bear has gotten rid of his limp, his growing has slowed but his size continues to become more massive as his activity levels have risen. He loves the dog park and will go on longer walks now that he’s feeling more up to it. His sister Bella, though not nearly as large, also has energy for days. She loves to swim in her pool and manages to keep her body in pretty great shape. The two often rough house and that in itself is its own set of traumas and injuries. In order to maintain their stable structures, chiropractic has become part of their regular regimen. We love these two snuggle monsters!