Bullet the beagle, an avid hunter, digger, and squirrel chaser. This guy really frightened his parents when he started screaming and crying at even the slightest touch to his neck. He couldn’t raise his head above a certain level, couldn’t turn his head side to side, and truly couldn’t be touched without going into a fit of cries. Their poor boy was in so much pain they were beside themselves on what to do. Medication wasn’t helping and none of the traditional options that they were given seemed to be working. At that point they decided to try chiropractic care for Bullet. 

At his first visit Bullet was incredibly friendly but could hardly move his head at all. He was sad, low-hanging, and spasmed from his neck all the way to his lower back. In addition to his nerve impingement problem, Bullet also had a partially torn cruciate ligament in his back leg. If that weren’t enough this guy was just in a whole bundle of pain and we knew the healing process was going to take some time. 

After his first three adjustments Bullet walked in with his head held high and spasm down to a minimum. He didn’t cry while being worked on and he could move his neck without any restriction. The pain he had been feeling had been greatly diminished and his parents were able to remove the medication from his regimen. It didn’t take long before Bullet was back to his normal antics of running, jumping and digging. Even with all of this activity his neck remains healthy and stable and his back legs are all on the ground as they’ve been able to heal naturally!