This gorgeous little lady is Josette. She’s a coton de tulear and since puppyhood, she has struggled with limping in her back end. Come to find out Josette has luxating patella in both of her back legs, a very common condition in her breed. The issue with this condition is that it causes Josette to compensate in other joints for her knee disorder. Her hips were getting sore and her muscles had atrophied significantly in her hind end. Being only a year old, Josette’s family wanted to do everything they can to give her body a chance to recover from this. When surgery was the option they were given, they knew there had to be something else.
Josette came in with no interest in weight-bearing on her one back leg at all, making it very difficult for her other leg to function because that one also had the same condition. Her muscles were so severely deficient that even when she did weight-bear she couldn’t do so for long because she wasn’t strong enough. After her first two adjustments, Josette began to use her back leg more and more.
With each additional adjustment, Josette seemed to improve. She now uses her back legs about 85% of the time and has regained much of the strength she had originally lost. Her kneecaps do not pop in and out to the extent they once did and she’s able to play with her doodle sister more than before. Her energy level is up and stability has also increased. She’s an absolute love an we are so happy she’s come this far without ever having to have surgery!
Watch her video here! Josette Before and After