This adorable kitty to the left is Louise. She is a lovely lady that is quite feisty. For the past year she has been getting adjusted because she had a lot of trouble with her forelimb along with twitching and spasms in her back. When she was younger, Louise actually got stuck hanging from a window from her one paw for several hours. Since that point she seemed to always have occasional issues with her front leg. Down her spine her entire back would twitch when being petted. Her mom thought perhaps chiropractic would help her situation, especially since it seemed to be structural. After a few adjustments, Louise had a great deal of improvement in both her legs and in her back spasms. She started greeting her mom in the morning and actually coming down for breakfast rather than staying up in bed. Now, after a year, Louise gets checked every couple of months just to make sure she hasn’t re-injured that front shoulder, and she couldn’t be healthier!