This blonde beauty in front of you is the one they call Missy. She is a six-year-old golden retriever and therapy dog extraordinaire. Missy first started seeing our mom about one year ago, mainly because she wasn’t as energetic as she one was. Her fur mom told ours that Missy had been tiring out easily, wouldn’t jump into the car or truck, and her walks had become shorter and shorter. She even hesitated with stairs. Now back then, Missy was only five, and her mom knew these behaviors just weren’t right. After talking to our mom she decided that chiropractic might be the ticket to helping Missy feel better. She was very right! Missy had A LOT going on at her first adjustment, she even paced when she walked, which is an abnormal gait often associated with structural shifting of the spine. She had multiple areas in need of adjustment, especially in her pelvis. After her first adjustment her fur mom couldn’t get over how great she was doing. Missy no longer hesitated with stairs or the truck, she had a ton more energy, and she wasn’t puppy-sitting anymore. Though she continues to pace, Missy has improved leaps and bounds and is one of our moms loveliest goldens. She continues to get protective care and is happy as a clam!