This adorable little husky mix is Molly. Molly is considered a “senior” dog but she is definitely the opposite of what I would consider old. She has spunk and energy up the wazoo, and her fur mom and I have a tough time trying to keep up with her! Molly was first brought to us because of a limp she had in her back leg. After being examined, Molly was thought to have a cruciate tear. Despite being active and energetic, Molly’s fur mom knew the risks of doing surgery on an older dog and decided to try the alternative method before going down the conventional road.
Molly did extraordinarily. Through each visit Molly began to use her leg a little bit more. She would put extra weight on it and the limp became less noticeable. Over time, the limp completely disappeared along with all the heat and inflammation that had once plagued her knee joint. She began going back on her long walks (sometimes runs) and even returned to her favorite place (doggy daycare)! This girl could not be kept down and she certainly proved that age does not play a factor in her recovery.
Molly continues to see us because of how active she is. Though shes never re-injured the ligament in her knee, she certainly has put it to the test. Every now and again Molly will come and see us with a bit of a limp, and after an adjustment she seems 100% back to her normal self. Through chiropractic, her body has reached a new pattern that is structurally stable. Though it can be tested on occasion, her body wants to return to this new mold rather than actively stay in a state that is unnatural, thus the reason it doesn’t take more than a follow-up visit to get her right back on track. We love this girl and we love seeing how far she has come without having to go under the knife!