Living in Michigan, we get much of what we Michiganders call seasons, though lately it’s been mainly a cool summer and an even cooler winter. Needless to say with the weather changes we experience, I’ve had a lot of inquiries as to whether or not this can affect our animals. The answer, undoubtedly, is yes. Not only is the temperature dropping and rising without warning, the pressure in the atmosphere is also changing. These rapid changes in pressure and temp. are difficult on our own bodies, and naturally take a toll on our animals as well. 

With people, drop in atmospheric pressure also causes our blood pressure to drop. So why not with animals as well? Does it seem that your pup or kitten is just a little more sluggish when the cold starts to come on? Perhaps they don’t mind foregoing that afternoon walk for a nap in front of the fire instead. Well it isn’t that they are lazy necessarily, rather they get exhausted more quickly from less activity. The colder the weather, the more energy it takes to heat the body, regardless of how furry your four-legged one may be, the amount of energy necessary to keep them going increases! 


What else can this drop in temperature cause? Joint pain! Some studies have found that colder climates can increase the viscosity (or thickness) in fluids throughout the body. Increased thickness of fluids means less lubrication for your joints, leading to increased joint pain. People experience joint pain in the colder weather and often times before a storm, one would think our animals can experience the exact same thing, and one would be correct! 

With December having arrived, do what you can to keep your pet as happy and healthy as possible. Make sure they are getting examined annually and monitor them throughout the winter months. One of the best ways to improve and maintain joint health is through chiropractic care. Get those furry family members adjusted and keep them happy throughout the holiday season!